Wedding Hire Checklist

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The Swan Event Hire team has put together a marquee reception  Hire checklist. When planning and styling your own wedding, organisation is the key. That’s why our team put together a checklist for our busy brides.

Whether it’s a marquee wedding, cocktail or a formal sit-down affair every bride or event planner  needs a checklist of what to hire for the day.

Sit Down Reception

Tables and chairs  are your most important item to hire. These items will set the style of your reception. What configuration do you want? Long banquet tables seating 8-10, Large round tables seating 8-10 or 10-12 people?

Our Swan Event staff are experienced at helping to advise you with table configurations and your marquee size. You just need to know your approximate numbers.

Rectangle Table 176 Guests

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Round Table 144 Guest

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Marquee Size

Once we have your guest numbers and measurements of available marquee space we can advise you on marquee size.

Round 8-10 People 10-12Wedding ChairsTablesEntrée PlateEntrée Knife/fork/spoonChampagneDecorativeDance Floor
Banquet Rectangle 6-8 People 8-10Wedding Chairs with coversUrnsSoup Bowl Dinner Knife/forkWhite WineFestoonRed/black carpets
SquareCeremony chairsBBQsPasta BowlTeaspoonsRed WineFairy LightsChrome poles
Buffet TablesBench SeatsBBQ EquipmentDinner PlateDessert spoonsMartiniMirror Disco ballsAsh Trays
BarBar Stools <br>Bain Marie’sSide PlateServing SpoonsHi Ball/ multi useFlood Lightsvases
Cocktail Table – With Without CoversLoungingIce BucketsDessert Bowl/plateSalad ServersSmall WaterIlluminated emergency signsCake Stand
Signing TableKids Plastic chairsBinsTeacupsCake KnifeWhiskey Tumble Umbrellas
Coffee tablesOttomansGas BottlesCoffee CupsCake ForksBeer Glasses Cushions
Table linen  Espresso CupsCheese KnifeCocktail Candle Holders
Napkins  TeapotBread knifePort Baskets Storage
Dessert Stations  Coffee urnCake serversCocktail Lecterns
Wishing Well/Gift Table  Sugar bowlKitchen KnifeLiqueur  
   Milk JugWedding knife/setShot glasses  
   Salt and Pepper Espresso  
   Platters Punch Bowl  
     Drinks dispenser  
     Carafes water jugs  
     Salad bowls  
     Nut bowls  
     Glass butter bowls 
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Price: AU$85.00
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